SHIFT QUALITY: Quality - our reason for being, our culture.

Q U A L I T Y is the backbone of our Company, it is vital for every area of our business. We are constantly improving and adapting ourselves to the needs of each Customer. It is made possible thanks to our Quality Department with environment monitoring in the facilities, thanks to our human resources (who undergo constant training) and technical resources (Three-dimensional MITUTOYO APEX 574, Tool Presetting DMG MORI MICROSET UNO 20/40 aut. drive, Binocular x40, Digital Surface Roughness Tester, Digital Hardness Tester, as well as digital and analogue measurement and calibration devices).

Depending on the type of product to be manufactured, APM offers:

   • Design - autonomous and/or in cooperation with the Customer, providing our long experience.

   • Factory - with machines produced by the most prestigious brands within the sector.

   • Verification - by issuing Dimension Reports or Certificates of Conformance for all our products.

   • Assembly - we have specific areas and workbenches at our disposal to carry out these stages.

   • Management - all the Company’s areas are managed with the help of a comprehensive management programme (ERP), in order to guarantee total product traceability.

   • Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and, in case of need, Confidentiality Agreements.

Product development in APM is supported by the following software:

  • 1 licence of SQL (ERP): Production and Information Management in all the areas of the Company.

  • 1 licence of Teksoft. Technical Office Department: Design and Programming.

  • 2 ESPRIT licenses: Dept., Technical Office and Manufacturing, Programming.

  • 1 licence of Mcosmos. Quality Control Department: Verification.

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At this moment, Alta Precisión del Mecanizado holds the following certificates:

  • Quality Management System:

Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015, for the following Activities: Design and Manufacture of molds and tooling. Manufacture by machining of Precision Parts.

Standard EN 9100: 2018, for the following Activities: Design and Manufacture of molds and tooling. Manufacture by machining of Precision Parts.

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Management PolicyCalidad_IN_files/POLITICA%20DE%20GESTION-PG_ed%2003.pdf
General Conditions of SupplyCalidad_IN_files/CONDICIONES%20GENERALES%20DE%20SUMINISTRO-CGS_ed%2003.pdf
 General Conditions of SaleCalidad_IN_files/CONDICIONES%20GENERALES%20DE%20COMPRA-CGC_ed%2003.pdf
 General Conditions of SaleCalidad_IN_files/CONDICIONES%20GENERALES%20DE%20VENTA-CGV_ed03.pdf
Legal WarningCalidad_IN_files/AVISO%20LEGAL-AL_ed%2003.pdf